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Mercedes-Benz 811 D / Plaxton Beaver #L357 VCV

26 grudnia 2014 - The Moor, Falmouth. The day after Christmas Day is known as `Boxing Day` in the UK. It is a holiday where public transport traditionally does not operate, although that is slowly changing as more businesses open on this day. However, in smaller towns like Falmouth, no buses or trains run on Boxing Day so I operated a free bus service for local people to use with my own bus - seen here being driven by a friend.

Autor: shedinagarden RSS
Miejsce: Falmouth (South West England) | Właściciel: Private Falmouth | Linia: 68C

Komentarze: 2

Volvo B7RLE / Wright Eclipse Urban #69206

17 czerwca 2014 - Hayle Terrace, Hayle. Seen here from across Copperhouse Pool with St Elwyns Church in the background. This bus remains just 1 of 4 in the entire fleet to have the new corporate livery due to being transferred from another part of the UK.

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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